
Microsoft Logo Software Engineer for Microsoft
I am currently working as a Software Engineer for Microsoft on the Windows Defender Team with a focus on Python and Machine Learning.

1010data logo Internship at 1010Data
During this ten-week internship, I developed a role-based access control system for one of 1010Data’s internal tools. This was written in Python using libraries such as Flask and SQLAlchemy. I also learned enterprise skills including agile development, unit testing, and test-driven development. I worked as a part of a five-person team and worked in a large, pre-existing codebase.

University of Minnesota logo Research Experiences for Undergraduates at the University of Minnesota
Implemented an interactive graphical user interface for IBRelight, an image-based rendering and relighting tool for cultural heritage applications. The application creates a 3-dimensional model of an object from a series of still photographs. The interface allows the user to view the object under different lighting conditions and from any position in space.
Paper “IBRelight An Image-Based 3D Renderer for Cultural Heritage”, by Michael Tetzlaff, Gary Meyer, and Alex Kautz. Presented at Archiving 2018 Digitization Preservation, and Access, Washington, DC, April 2018.